A couple months ago, this game was free. Now theyve begun to charge for it. After having played it, I never would have payed for it, even back in its prime. Make no mistake: this game is hard. Not original Zelda or Metroid hard, or even Dark Souls hard. No, this is a different kind of hard. In the above games, you would always have several possible options for how to respond to situations. You could move in 4 directions, use your weapon(s), and sometimes dodge or block. And in those games, you could always observe what was happening and learn how to get past it the next time. In this game, you only have three options: turn left, turn right, or accelerate forward. This severely limits your possible responses to challenges. And because each track is random, theres no way to try again if you fail. Sure, youll get a similar type of twist later, but your speed and angle and height will all be completely different, so theres no way to learn other than trial and error, and hoping you can apply attempts to future challenges. That brings me to my next point. Frequently the track will turn downward so sharply and steeply that it is often not possible to see what is coming ahead of you because you turn so very slowly. Every once in a while, you will begin a track on a descending straightaway. The ball will bounce so much that it is not physically possible to go through the goal posts on the easiest type of track that is designed to allow you to go through said goalposts. Put simply, "learning" how to play the game is mainly comprised of alternately spamming left and right for increasingly precise amounts of time, so that you will not accelerate and bounce out of control. All that being said, however, if you are looking for a game that has a very high skill floor and a moderately high skill ceiling, where you learn to tap your phone screen like an auto-click turbo macro, then this is the game for you.